Friday, September 5, 2008

Shanghai Walnut Mooncakes & Chocolate Mooncakes 上海核桃月饼 和 巧克力月饼

I have been baking mooncakes so many rounds until i am really tired and sick of them even before Mid Autumn Festival. I do enjoy making mooncakes but not in mass production. Because this is my first time making mooncake, so i am quite slow in wrapping the skin and the filling. It took me hours to make 20 mini mooncakes. I am not exaggerating, if i am not wrong i spent 4 hours in the kitchen just to make the 20 minis. Luckily i am not making them for sale, otherwise i will go crazy inside the kitchen. But partly also because i wanted to make the skin as thin as possible, which explained why it was so time consuming for me. Because the thinner the skin, the more difficult it is to wrapped the filling. But than again, still have to blame on my skill, i am just not good in wrapping them.
I was baking another round of mooncakes yesterday (the 3rd batch of mass production since last week, 1st batch for my Granny (20pcs minis + 80pcs Horlick cookies), 2nd batch for his colleagues (20pcs minis)). This batch of mooncakes were also meant for his colleagues. I baked Walnut Mooncakes - 18pcs and Chocolate Mooncakes (for kids) - 16pcs. Walnut mooncakes were adapted from various sources and the Chocolate Mooncake were adapted from Aunty Yochana's blog.
(Pardon my calculations of mooncakes here, so that i will remember how much to bake next time, that is if i am still baking them again. haha)
The Chocolate mooncake dough is like a cookie dough with cocoa powder, the filling was lotus paste mixed with chocolate chips and almond nibs. It's very fragrant, but does not really taste like mooncake. My hubby commented that the filling taste like "Dou Sar" (Red Bean Paste). I used Cartoon moulds for the chocolate mooncakes, but because of the colour of the dough, the cartoon characters didn't turn out so well. Anyway, i just hope that both adults and kids will enjoy them.


Aunty Yochana said...

Wow Jas!! Your Mooncakes looks very pro for a first timer. *clap* *clap* and cheers to you.


Jas said...

Hi aunty yo,

thank you very much for visiting and thank you for your kind comments. All credit goes to you! Will never say enough, i only "dare" to try baking mooncakes because of a kind "cyber advisor" like yourself. Thank you!